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Friday, September 30, 2005

More Birthday stuff

Well got to the range today, still need to make that a solid monthly occurrence, always a good way to let off steam, and keeps my muscle memory up. Course now I need to call Austin and order more ammo, damn having a favorite ammo that is only from one store in a city 200 odd miles away :/
Ahh well, guess I should get in to reloading, would save me a little money and I could always get the ammo the way I want and like it to be.


well, another year, another birthday :/
fun fun fun
Why is it people make a big deal about birthdays. just another day in my mind pretty much,
maybe I will buy myself something, I am planning on going to the range, need to do that anyway, been a month or so since I did any shooting, Always helps to keep in practice, builds muscle memory (which comes in handy)

Ahh well, to finish my few tweaks for the night and see if I can get any sleep.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Macenstein: Mac stuff dug up on the web and pieced together into an unholy monster

I truely love this, about as un-PC as you can be, frelling love it. Bout time someone let off like this :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Mike Tech Show: Mike Tech Show - Podcast - #30 - 09-24-05

Nice collection of usefull tools to keep on a USB key, I have used one similar for years with my basic computer files as I call them, things I need on any machine I load my "Essintial list"

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Record your life...

Ever forget something that you possibly said last year during a friends party when you were drunk. A guy created something that he used for 3 years now recording his conversations and takes it home to this program that transcribes and organizes everything into text that you can search and go back to later and hear the audio from it.

read more | digg story


So I am sitting here, re-ripping my Harry Potter collection of Books on CD, for the 5th time I think, hoping I can get rip of the skips and bumps I got last time :/
no clue how I got that errors in there, but I did, so I am redoing it, and since I have gotten my iPod I don’t have to worry about the short naming scheme I did with my iRiver (blew it up :( ahh well the drive is now my pocket storage device)
So I am now going with a more interesting naming, I can finally use chapter naming instead of some silly naming convention of title acronym disc and track number :-s