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Begin forwarded message:
From: "Cheaper Than Dirt" <>
Date: January 7, 2011 10:06:40 AM CST
To: "" <>
Subject: Discreet Weapons Case Clearance Priced
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Ammunition Firearms Weapons Gear MOLLE Gear Holsters Scopes Knives
Get your Discreet Weapons Case, Item Number MOLLE-091 (Black), MOLLE-092 (OD Green) and MOLLE-093 (Coyote Tan) for just $39.93, a $60 Value. These cases measure 44"x16"x6" have 23 columns and 5 rows of PALS webbing, a 2" padded perimeter, storage for six magazines and storage pouches for handguns. Offer valid only on from January 7-January 9, while supplies last.
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