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Thursday, October 06, 2005

COTSE-What happened to my country?

COTSE-What happened to my country?:

Yes, it's time for another rant. Americans are showing themselves to be a weak people, it's pitiful. We are willingly trashing our own rights in the name of protection from terrorists. Not for protection, just for the idea of it. What happened to the image of a bunch of American rednecks not afraid of a damn thing, the 'if it bleeds it can die' group. What happened to those people? When did we all become such easily lead fearful sheep? Why are we giving away our rights in the name of protection, especially when we appear to be doing it out of fear and effectively just throwing them away?

Do you want protection from terrorism? Then just be aware. Increase your awareness of your surroundings. Stop going through every day in a self-absorbed cloud. Wake up and watch for the unusual. Did someone set down a bag on a bus and walk away quickly? Report it right away. Someone acting funny? Take notice and do something. Throwing away your rights willy nilly because someone told you that if you did they'd protect you is not the right way. It's not bringing you safety and they don't come back as easy as they go. It's far easier to get a bill passed giving away freedom than it is to get one passed granting it. This is because power granted is power used and power used is power kept. That is why power must have proper checks and balances, if not it becomes power abused. Wake up, we are removing those checks and balances. This power is being misused already and they still want more.

Sure they want more, they wanted more to track 60's radicals, then to stop organized crime, then drugs, then pedophiles (think of the children), but none of that worked. Then came terrorists and you freaked out and willingly gave away those rights you denied them before. They've always wanted more. They've always desired to remove those checks and balances because they get in the way. It's so much easier to chase bad guys when you can sneak into their "

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