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Sunday, October 23, 2005

Well Shit

Ya know, I wonder what the hell Microsoft is really thinking somedays. I have been using Outlook for a number of years on the Windows Side of things, like the program overall, on windows at least. All my mail, calendars and contacts in one program, and I can easily pull the file I need to save my entire store of the before mentioned items in one easy (if long) step. But in trying to move my mail to my OS X machine, I am having a hell of a time doing it. First, M$ didn’t use cross compatible .PST files between the OS X and Windows versions of Outlook. Next they make no converter for the file either. Third, Entourage doesn’t use a PST file in anyway, BUT you can convert an older MAC version PST file to work with it. The only route M$ decided to give was to build or find a way to access a M$ Exchange server, copy all your mail and what not to it, then pull it down. Fine and dandy, I build a box just for the purpose. But damned if they don’t make it a bitch to do, no simple copy these folder, hell, there isn’t even a default, auk here is your Inbox and all sub folders of it. You have to subscribe to every folder on it’s own, and to get the mail across you have to select everything and then tell it to move the shit. A VERY Tedious and Pain in the Arse process let me tell you.
Ahh well maybe in a week I will be lucky and have it done :-s

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